Sunday, September 24, 2006

Why YOUR vote counts - even if it's JUST a primary.

Because when you don't vote, people like Dianne Wilkerson end up on the ballot!!! W.T.F. people - take responsibility - VOTE!

Or in this case, STICKER!

Dianne Wilkerson started off fine, but like so many before her got sucked into the wormhole of Boston politics. She and her kids and their friends are one lottery fixing incident away from becoming the next Bulger clan.

Check out her campaign finance report online, it's interesting.

- Within eight months she reimbursed herself $28,200.

- Within SIX months she paid her son Kendall Wayne $19,620 ($3,270 per month) for consultant fees and reimbursed him $1745 for stamps and stuff. Even though she later had to buy $1361.88 MORE stamps from the US Post Office.

- Within three months she paid One United Bank $611 in "Uncollected Funds Charge" fees. Although $430 of that are "Insufficient Funds" fees to Comcast.

She's had campaign reimbursement issues in the past so it's not a random pick on Dianne event. It just makes me nuts when someone is so ethically challenged and takes her election for granted. The public she is supposed to work for needs someone who won't see them as low hanging fruit.

So if you don't vote in November you will get a kick in the ass from me personally.

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