Friday, January 20, 2006

Overused Words in Real Estate Advertising

It has come to my attention that there are certain words that are being overused in real estate advertising. I believe that the overuse of these words are the real cause of the current market slouch.

If I read one more ad that describes a particular abode as 'stunning', I am going send the realtor responsible a flaming bag of poo.

To my mind, if an apartment is 'stunning', it needs to be pretty spectacular. And apartments are, well, stacked compartments of space. They don't really have the appropriate sweep and drama required of all things stunning.

It reminds me of when Tom Cruise called Katie Holmes "magnificent".

Just because Merry Maids came in and swabbed the place down with a few squirts of cleanser does not render a place 'sparkling'.


According to, a loft is:
    1. A large, usually unpartitioned floor over a factory, warehouse, or other commercial or industrial space.
    2. Such a floor converted into an apartment or artist's studio.
  1. An open space under a roof; an attic or garret.
  2. A gallery or balcony, as in a church.
  3. A hayloft.
So NO any apartment with another apartment above it is NOT a loft, no matter how white you paint it.

It would appear that every seller is motivated. Well duh. A seller is hardly going to be unmotivated. In reality a motivated seller is the seller who will take the first offer at or above the asking price. So the person asking $525,000 for the 500sf studio on Beacon Hill is not going to take $425,000 cash no matter how motivated they are.

And I speak from experience when I say that they are definitely not motivated about an offer of $150,000.

As in hard wood floors. I don't care what other word is used (glossy, shiny, slick, radiant), but the phrase "gleaming hardwood floors" has to go.

Oh yeah, and if it's molding, it's dentil, NOT dental.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wellllll, forclosure sales usually involve somewhat of an unmotivated seller and a lot of cats.

My favorite: Roof Rights. The right to have the roof. OOOOhhhh, so that explains why the 535 square foot, 5th floor walk up, pseudo-loft with no parking in sight goes for $450,000 - it's all in the roof rights.