George Carlin was right to describe a house as a shelter for crap. I have been sheltering an island of crap for years now.
Thank the stars I have my dear neighbor/friend EvenStephen to help me out. I call him EvenStephen because he is probably the calmest, evenest, person I have ever met.
I also have to thank the stars for my Fairy Godfather who answered the panicked call. He came right over and performed a little triage on the profusion of junk that has been clogging up my life.
Out into the garbage went three massive big bags and two broken telly's. Two! Shameful! Then we made two trips to Goodwill. Bye bye all you ill-fitting clothes and too small coats! Bye bye impulse-purchase handbags and shoes I will never really wear!
Then finally we packed up the truck with the rest of the stuff to be sold at a tag sale. Or given away if someone really wants it.
Now my closet is practically empty. So is the basement. I feel like I lost weight.
Let me know if you need anything. I probably have it. Heck, I might have two of it.

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