Monday, September 03, 2007

The Slow Dance

All weekend long this one radio station is playing blocks of Led Zepplin, a Get the Led Out kind of thing.

I love it. When I was a starry-eyed teenager I wanted to run off to some sun-splashed field of gold with Robert Plant. Ahhhh, *sigh*, I totally still would....

Anyway, at school dances they used to play "Stairway to Heaven" as the last song. All the girls hoped that the googly eyes they'd been making to all the googly boys would pay off and that they'd be asked to dance.

Really, it's a great song to end a teen dance on. It starts all slow and mushy, boys get a feel, girls get a feel and then before anything naughty could happen Jimmy Page and John Bonham would lay in with guitars and drums and everyone would quickly separate.

Like turning on the overhead light.

But nowadays the slow dance has become like the midday schooldays nap - I wish I had appreciated it more. Because now I definitely don't get enough of either.

And with that I ask you - what would be a great slow dance song to end the night? There is a little poll thingy on the right of the screen. Let me know. Maybe we can slow dance to it later.

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