Me, my Irish housemate, and her Irish friends were all sitting around playing a friendly, Heineken-driven game of Smubble and someone threw down "shamrag".
Shamrag, you know, is when your sex partner won't put out on more than one occasion in a month. Or acts like a raving looney toon for no apparent reason. Well, they are on the 'sham'rag.
This, plus other made up words, provided HOURS of amusement - helped in no small part by beer, because it IS true that alcohol makes shit funnier.
But guess what? Shamrag is a word.
A real word.
In friggin GAELIC
And it means friggin SHAMROCK
And not Ken Shamrock the Ultimate Fighting Champion.

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Ta mee toiggal yn fockle Gaelgagh as cha nel mee toiggal yn meenaghey Baarlagh! Ansherbee t’eh symoil, cha nel?
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