When I created this blog it was in a drunken Scrabble playing haze with a bunch of Irish folk and a pornographic thesaurus.
I figured they'd read it, and probably my mom and my sister too - bringing my total readership level to about 12.
But I inserted a stat counter anyway. My ego made me dooit.
Sometimes those original 12 readers would get another reader and my readership would bump up to 24-30 readers.
And occasionally I get a reference on Universal Hub. Which boosts those stats to about 50-80 readers.
So imagine my surprise when I checked the old stat counter yesterday afternoon and saw that the 'rag had 300 hits.
What the...??
I did a little checking and found that I had been referenced in an article on Slate.com. And then another reference on Boston.com.
Woah, well that would explain why today when I looked at the stat counter it was over 3000 hits.
Holy crapola!
That is some kind of pressure now.
Haha, Lily Von Schtoop was referenced. Menkal!
I raise my glass of beah to Miss Von Schtoop.
I raise you and I see you that beah handsome!
You and Asshat, founding membahs of the Shamrag gang.
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