Saturday, September 20, 2008

Mercury is DEFINITELY in retrograde.

La Maman shares office space with an astrologer and he one time mentioned that sh*t really starts hitting the fan when mercury goes into retrograde.

I, like thousands of other Bostonians, are only familiar with mercury being in retrograde because it was something the Cosmic Muffin used to always talk about.

But let me tell you, it is true. Things do seem to hit the fan with a little more frequency when mercury goes into retrograde.

This week was sh*t all around I think. Except for Sonia Chang-Diaz maybe. Which meant though that it was a sh*t week for Dianne Wilkerson.


It didn't get better today. First I scalded myself with burning hot soup from my knees to my ankles and then when I turned on the tv, I saw that Verrill Farm farm stand has burned to the ground.

Mercury comes out of retrograde around mid-October. Call me then because quite frankly I think I might just take to my bed for the next month.

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